Case Studies

The cases below provide an indication of the range of work that we have undertaken, covering assignments in outsourcing and organisational strategy, M&A and partnering support, profit improvement and cost, generator, tube and flat detecttor strategies.


Outsourcing Strategy

The Imaging industry faces a particular challenge in finding outsourcing partners, since few of the big electronics integrators fully understand the capability implications of serving the medical market. Hendy Consulting synthesized the outsourcing agendas of the many businesses in a Diagnostic Imaging division and developed action plans/metrics as well as identifying the next big capabilities gaps for the client to address in improving its capabilities.


Organisational Strategy

Hendy Consulting assisted the leadership team of the purchasing function of an Imaging business complete a major organization redesign. We provided process facilitation to the transformation of a 200-strong organization in 14 global locations. The work process emphasized stakeholder involvement and validation of the organizational model, so that the workers councils and management readily approved the plan.


M&A and partnering support

Hendy Consulting supported the leadership of a Diagnostic Imaging business investigate M&A targets to revitalise its product portfolio and enhance growth. From an initial list of 55 companies, We reduced this to a small number of targets for execution, by evaluating financials, product portolios and overall strategic/cultural fit, then calculated the synergy potential of each. As of publication of this brochure, the approaches to the targets are being conducted.


Profit improvement through commodity strategies for major Bill of Materials categories

Hendy Consulting worked with one Imaging Systems business to identify €25m of cost reduction opportunities in a materials base of €75m, through changes in design/specification or changes in supplier or by leveraging LCC sources. We held a workshop with the Executive leaders of the business unit to assign executive sponsors to each of the 30 different action items.


LCC Strategy (Low cost country sourcing)

Medical companies globally are looking for ways to radically lower the cost of Imaging Systems while at the same time delivering new functionality. The global majors have all embraced Low Cost Country (LCC) sourcing as a critical initiative to seek suppliers for appropriate commodities in China, India and beyond. Hendy Consulting has recently completed an assignment for one of the global majors to summaries the top opportunities in LCC across a multi-business unit division. We worked with general managers and development heads across the division to translate the pareto-optimal top 24 opportunities into discrete actionable plans. We also created transparency about the link between commodity cost structures and the likelihood of an LCC option.


Generator and tubes strategies

Hendy Consulting conducted a review of the merchant generator and tubes market places, enabling the client to take up a much more sophisticated make/buy position for its offerings, focusing internal R&D on the best cutting-edge solutions, while sourcing simpler products from competitors or merchants.


Flat Detector strategy

Hendy Consulting assessed the market place for A-Si and CMOS flat detectors looking for cost saving opportunities to source from alternative vendors. As part of this assignment, Hendy Consulting build a valuation model of the economics of both CMOS and A-Si providers looking for opportunities to build value, change structural agreements with suppliers and reduce risk exposures.